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Chest Pain ACS
Chest Pain ACS
Key Performance Indicators
Assess Cardiac Risk Factors
High Blood Pressure
Past Medical History
Assess Associated Risk Factors
Radiation of Pain
Assess Vital Signs
Breathing Rate
Blood Pressure
EtCO2 (If oxygen is administered)
Lung Sounds
Pulse Ox
Administer Oxygen if indicated
Pulse Ox <94%
Check EKG
Notify Closest CIC via EMRC Radio
Transmit 12-Lead
Serial 12-Lead every 5-10 minutes
Aspirin Administration
Asprin Given
Establish IV/Saline Lock
IV/Saline Lock
Additional Medication Administration if indicated
Morphine Sulfate
Treatment began < 15:00 min.
Cardiac Intervention Center
At Patient" to Hospital Time <30 min.
Time from 911 call to Hospital <30 min.
Past Medicl History
Key Performance Indicators
Assess Cardiac Risk Factors
High Blood Pressure
Past Medical History
Assess Associated Risk Factors
Radiation of Pain
Assess Vital Signs
Breathing Rate
Blood Pressure
EtCO2 (If oxygen is administered)
Lung Sounds
Pulse Ox
Administer Oxygen if indicated
Pulse Ox <94%
Check EKG
Notify Closest CIC via EMRC Radio
Transmit 12-Lead
Serial 12-Lead every 5-10 minutes
Aspirin Administration
Asprin Given
Establish IV/Saline Lock
IV/Saline Lock
Additional Medication Administration if indicated
Morphine Sulfate
Treatment began < 15:00 min.
Cardiac Intervention Center
At Patient" to Hospital Time <30 min.
Time from 911 call to Hospital <30 min.
Past Medicl History
Key Performance Indicators
Patient Assessment
Facial Droop
Arm Drift
Abnormal Speach
Time of day patient last seen normal
Use of anticoagulants
Contact info. for patient historian
Administer Oxygen if indicated
Pulse Ox <94%
Assess Vital Signs
Breathing Rate
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar Level
EtCO2 (If oxygen is administered)
Lung Sounds
Pulse Ox
Notify Closest Stroke Center via radio
Notify Stroke Center via radio
Establish IV/Saline Lock
Administer Dextrose if indicated
Transport begun in <15 min
Closest Stroke Center
Pat. contact to hospital time <30 min
911 call to hospital <30 min
Key Performance Indicators
Medical History (being treated today)
Pulmonary Edema
Assess Risk Factors
Altered mental status
Cyanosis, grunting, stridor, difficulty speaking
Prior intubation/CPAP application
Assess Vital Signs
Breathing Rate
Blood Pressure
Lung sounds
Pulse Ox
Body Temperture
Administer oxygen (Pulse Ox <= 94%)
Obtain vascular access
Apply CPAP
Albuterol/Atrovent Neb (Asthma, CHF, COPD, PE)
Dexamethasone (Asthma, COPD)
Dopamine (CHF, PE)
Epinephrine (Asthma, COPD)
Fluid bolus (CHF, PE)
Magnesium Sulfate (COPD)
Nitroglycerin (CHF, PE)
Terbutaline (Asthma, COPD)
**(REMOVED 7/1/2017)**
Consult via EMRC if appropriate
Transport to closest appropriate facility
Scene time <15 minutes
At patient to hospital <30 min (E2D)
Time from 911 call to hospital <30 minutes
Adult Sepsis Rule
Adult (>18 years of age) suspected source of infection AND at least 2 of the following:
Temp >100.4° or <95.9°
HR > 100BPM
Resp. Rate >25
Systolic BP < 90
lactate reading ≥ 4 mmol/L (if available)
Pediatric Sepsis Rule (In Criteria by Age)
< 28 Days Old
HR > 205 BPM
Resp. Rate > 60
Temp > 100.4°
Cap Refill > 3 sec. / Mottled
Systolic BP < 60
Altered Mental Status
Age 1-12 months
HR > 205 BPM
Resp. Rate > 60
Temp > 100.4°
Cap Refill > 3 sec. / Mottled
Systolic BP < 70
Altered Mental Status
Age 1-2 years
HR > 190 BPM
Resp. Rate > 40
Temp > 100.4°
Cap Refill > 3 sec. / Mottled
Systolic BP < 70 + age x 2
Altered Mental Status
Age 2-4 years
HR > 140 BPM
Resp. Rate > 40
Temp > 100.4°
Cap Refill > 3 sec. / Mottled
Systolic BP < 70 + age x 2
Altered Mental Status
Age 5-12 years
HR > 140 BPM
Resp. Rate > 34
Temp > 100.4°
Cap Refill > 3 sec. / Mottled
Systolic BP < 70 + age x 2
Altered Mental Status
Age 13-17 years
HR > 100 BPM
Resp. Rate > 25
Temp > 100.4°
Cap Refill > 3 sec. / Mottled
Systolic BP < 90
Altered Mental Status
Los Angeles Motor Scale (LAMS)
Clenical Practice Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
CPG in progress
Adult / Pediatric Dose
Adult Dose
13 years and above: FOUR unit doses of 160 mg/5 mL each for a total of 640 mg/20 mL OR in a form of 325 mg pill or tablet x2 for a total of 650 mg with sips of water as tolerated by the patient.
Pediatric Dose
Less than 2 years of age: Not indicated
2–4 years: Unit dose 160 mg/5 mL
5–12 years: TWO unit doses of 160 mg/5 mL each for a total of 320 mg/10 mL
Adult Dose
Administer 1 gram/kg
Administer 1 gram/kg
Adult Dose
6 mg rapid IVP bolus followed by a rapid flush
Give 12 mg if no response within 2 minutes.
Give 12 mg more if no response within another 1–2 minutes.
Pediatric Dose
Pediatric: 0.1 mg/kg rapid IVP/IO; maximum initial dose 6 mg.
Second and third doses: 0.2 mg/kg rapid IVP/IO; maximum single additional dose 12 mg.
Adult Dose
- 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol connected to 6–8 lpm of oxygen; may repeat one time
- 20 mg (if available) by nebulized aerosol connected to 6–8 lpm of oxygen
Pediatric Dose
- May repeat one time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen
- Age two or older: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
- Age less than two years: 1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
- Age two or older: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
- Age less than two years: 1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
Adult Dose
Adult with pulse: 150 mg IV/IO over 10 minutes (mixed in 50 - 100 mL of approved diluent). May repeat once.
Adult without pulse VF/VT/(torsades after magnesium sulfate): 300 mg IV/IO. May repeat one time 150 mg IV/IO
Pediatric Dose
Pediatric with pulse: 5 mg/kg IV/IO over 20 minutes (mixed in 50 - 100 mL of approved diluent)
Pediatric without pulse: 5 mg/kg IV/IO; max single dose 300 mg. May repeat twice to a maximum of 15 mg/kg.
Adult Dose
324 mg or 325 mg chewed
Pediatric Dose
Not indicated
Adult Dose
- Administer 0.5–1 mg IVP repeated every 3–5 minutes to a total dose of 0.04 mg/kg
Organophosphate poisoning:
- Administer 2–4 mg IVP or IM every 5–10 minutes.
Nerve agent exposure See MARK I / DuoDote Protocol.
Pediatric Dose
- Administer 0.02 mg/kg IV/IO; maximum single dose 0.5 mg; ET 0.04–0.06 mg/kg, dilute 5 mL; repeat once
Organophosphate poisoning:
- Administer 0.02 mg/kg IVP/IO or IM every 5–10 minutes.
Nerve agent exposure See MARK I / DuoDote Protocol.
Adult Dose
Single administration ONLY, 500 mcg (2.5 mL) by nebulized aerosol connected to 6–8 lpm of oxygen in combination with albuterol 2.5 mg.
Pediatric Dose
Single administration ONLY. In combination with albuterol, nebulized aerosol is connected to 6–8 lpm of oxygen.
Less than 1 year of age:
- contraindicated
Age 1 year but less than 2 years:
- 250 mcg (1.25 mL) by nebulized aerosol
Age 2 and older:
- 500 mcg (2.5 mL) by nebulized aerosol
Adult Dose
Administer 0.5–1 gram SLOW IVP over 10 minutes. Maximum dose 1 gram
Administer 500 mg SLOW IVP for: hypotension following diltiazem administration. Respiratory depression, decreased reflexes, flaccid paralysis, and apnea following magnesium sulfate administration
Pediatric Dose
Administer 20 mg/kg (0.2 mL/kg) SLOW IVP/IO (50 mg/min) Maximum dose 1 gram
Adult Dose
10 mg IV (preferred, if established) or PO
Pediatric Dose
Asthma: 0.5 mg/kg PO (preferred) or IV to a maximum of 10 mg
Croup: 0.5 mg/kg PO/IM/IV to a maximum of 10 mg
Adult Dose
If blood glucose is less than 70 mg/dL, administer 10% dextrose in 50 mL (5 grams) boluses, one minute apart, to a maximum of 250 mL OR 25 grams of 50% dextrose IVP, until:
(i) the patient has a return to normal mental status, and
(ii) the patient’s blood glucose is at least 90 mg/dL.
(iii) If, following 250 mL of 10% dextrose or 25 grams of 50% dextrose, patient has persistently altered mental status and blood glucose less than 90 mg/dL, repeat dosing regimen in (a).
Pediatric Dose
Patient less than 28 days
- if blood glucose is less than 40 mg/dL administer 2 mL/kg of 10% dextrose IV/IO.
D10W is prepared by mixing one part of D50W with four parts LR.
Recheck glucose after first dose.
If blood glucose is less than 40 mg/dL, obtain medical consultation to administer second dose of D10W.
(NEW ’18) Patients 28 days up to 4 years - if blood glucose is less than 70 mg/dL, administer 2–4 mL/kg of 10% dextrose IV/IO to a maximum of 25 grams. Recheck glucose after first dose.
If blood glucose is less than 70 mg/dL,
obtain medical consultation
to administer second dose of D10W.
(i) If unable to start IV and blood glucose is less than 70 mg/dL, administer 0.5 mg glucagon IM/IN.
Medical consult
for additional dosing to a maximum of 3 mg IM/IN.
(NEW ’18) Patients 5 years up to patient’s 18th birthday -if blood glucose is less than 70 mg/dL, administer 2–4 mL/kg of 10% dextrose IV/IO to a maximum of 25 grams. Recheck glucose after first dose.
If blood glucose is less than 70 mg/dL,
obtain medical consultation
to administer second dose of D10W.
(i) If unable to start IV and blood glucose is less than 70 mg/dL, administer 1 mg glucagon IM/IN.
(ii) Medical consult for additional dosing to a maximum of 3 mg IM/IN
Adult Dose
Administer 2.5–10 mg in 2.5 mg increments SLOW IVP/IM (IM requires all providers to obtain medical consultation.) Maximum total dose 10 mg
Severe nerve agent exposure (providers may administer without consult):
Administer 10 mg IM.
Pediatric Dose
Administer 0.1 mg/kg in 2.5 mg increments SLOW IVP/IO/IM (IM requires all providers to obtain medical consultation.) Maximum total dose 5 mg
Rectal Dose: Administer up to 0.2 mg/kg; maximum total dose 10 mg
Severe nerve agent exposure (providers may administer without consult):
greater than 30 kg: Administer 10 mg via auto-injector or 0.1 mg/kg IM, maximum of 10 mg.
Adult Dose
(a) 0.25 mg/kg (maximum dose 20 mg) by IV bolus administered SLOW IV over 2 minutes; if response is not adequate, repeat in 15 minutes with a dosage of 0.35 mg/kg (maximum dose 25 mg) over 2 minutes.
(b) For patients older than 50 years of age or borderline blood pressure, consider initial bolus 5–10 mg administered IV over 2 minutes.
Pediatric Dose
Contraindicated for patients less than 18 years of age. If needed, consult Pediatric Base Station.
Adult Dose
Administer 25–50 mg SLOW IVP or IM
Pediatric Dose
Administer 1 mg/kg SLOW IV/IO or IM
Medical consultation required for administration in mild allergic reaction.
Adult Dose
For IV infusion use only
In general, the infusion rate is adjusted to blood pressure and clinical response.
Administer 2–20 mcg/kg/min IV drip titrated to BP of 100 systolic or medical consultation selected BP; initial infusion rate 2–5 mcg/kg/min.
Pediatric Dose
For IV infusion use only
In general, the infusion rate is adjusted to blood pressure and clinical response.
Administer 2–20 mcg/kg/min IV drip titrated age specific BP or medical consultation selected BP; initial infusion rate is 2 mcg/kg/min
Adult Dose
- Patient 18–68 years of age: 2.5 mg IM
- Patient 69 years and older: 1.25 mg IM
Medical consultation required for additional dose
Pediatric Dose
- Patient 13–18 years of age: 2.5 mg IM
- Patient less than 13 years of age:
Medical consultation required for additional dose
EPINEPHRINE 1:10,000/1:1,000
Adult Dose
Cardiac Arrest
(i) Administer 1 mg (1:10,000) IVP every 3–5 minutes
not indicated
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis/Asthma
For patients who are in extremis with severe hypotension or impending respiratory failure, consider initiating an epinephrine drip after having administered 3 doses of IM epinephrine.
- Mix 1 mg of epinephrine (either 1:1,000 or 1:10,000) in a 1 liter bag of LR IV/IO. Initiate an infusion with a wide open macro drip titrating to a systolic pressure of greater than 90 mmHg. When drip administered, this will be reported as an exceptional call.
Epinephrine: 1:1,000
- not indicated
As replacement for dopamine with the following dosing by indication (NEW ’18)
Cardiogenic (post-ROSC or acute heart failure):
0.05 – 0.3 mcg/kg/min.
0.05 – 0.3 mcg/kg/min.
Hypovolemic shock (after sufficient volume replacement):
0.05 – 0.3 mcg/kg/min.
0.5 mcg/kg/min.
Cardiogenic Shock (NEW '20')
Pediatric Dose
Cardiac Arrest
Administer 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 mL/kg) of 1:10,000 IVP/IO; repeat every 3–5 minutes
ET: 0.1 mg/kg of 1:1,000, diluted with 5 mL of LR; repeat every 3–5 minutes
Administer 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 mL/kg) of 1:10,000 IVP/IO; repeat every 5 minutes
ET: 0.03 mg/kg of 1:10,000, diluted with 1 mL of LR
(i) Administer 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 mL/kg) of the 1:10,000 IVP/IO; repeat every 3–5 minutes
(ii) ET: 0.1 mg/kg of 1:1,000, diluted with 5 mL of LR; repeat every 3–5 minutes
(i) Administer 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 mL/kg) of 1:10,000 IVP/IO; repeat every 3–5 minutes
(ii) ET: 0.03 mg/kg of 1:10,000, diluted with 1 mL of LR
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis/Asthma
Epinephrine: 1:1,000
(i) Less than 5 years of age: administer 0.15 mg in 0.15 mL IM
(ii) 5 years and greater: administer 0.5 mg in 0.5 mL IM
(i) Administer 2.5 mL of epinephrine 1:1,000 via nebulizer.
(ii) If patient does not improve, administer a second dose of 2.5 mL of epinephrine 1:1,000 via nebulizer.
As replacement for dopamine with the following dosing by indication (NEW ’18)
Cardiogenic (post-ROSC or acute heart failure):
0.05 – 0.3 mcg/kg/min.
0.05 – 0.3 mcg/kg/min.
Hypovolemic shock (after sufficient volume replacement):
0.05 – 0.3 mcg/kg/min.
0.5 mcg/kg/min.
Adult Dose
(age 13 and older): 500 mcg/kg IV/IO over 1-2 minutes. No repeat dosing.
Pediatric Dose
(patients less than age 13 years): Not indicated
Adult Dose
IV/IO/IN/IM. IN administration max 1 mL per nare
Administer 1 mcg/kg to a maximum initial dose of 200 mcg.
Reassess in 5–10 minutes. If pain remains moderate to severe, then administer a second dose of fentanyl 1 mcg/kg to a maximum dose of 200 mcg. (Divide IN administration of the dose equally between the nares to a maximum of 1 mL per nare.)
Obtain on-line medical direction for additional doses, if required.
Pediatric Dose
IV/IO/IN/IM. IN administration max 1 mL per nare.
Administer 1 mcg/kg to a maximum initial dose of 200 mcg. Administer at a rate of 0.5 mcg/kg/min. (Divide IN administration of the dose equally between the nares to a maximum of 1 mL per nare.)
Reassess in 5–10 minutes. If pain remains moderate to severe, then administer a second dose of fentanyl 1 mcg/kg to a maximum dose of 200 mcg.
Obtain on-line medical direction for additional doses, if required.
Adult Dose
For suspected hypoglycemia without IV access:
Administer 1 mg IM/IN (Medical consult for additional dosing to a maximum of 3 mg IM)
For suspected beta blocker overdose:
Administer 1 mg IVP every 5 minutes
Pediatric Dose
For suspected hypoglycemia without IV access:
1 mg IM/IN (
5 years of age up to patient's 18th birthday
Medical consult for additional dosing to a maximum of 3 mg IM/IN
0.5 mg IM/IN (
28 days–4 years of age
Medical consult for additional dosing to a maximum of 3 mg IM/IN
For suspected beta blocker overdose:
Administer every 5 minutes
1 mg IVP (
5 years of age up to patient's 18th birthday
) every 5 minutes
0.5 mg IVP (
28 days–4 years of age
) every 5 minutes
Adult Dose
Patient 18–69 years of age:
5 mg IM or IV
Patient greater than 69 years of age:
2.5 mg IM or IV
Pediatric Dose
Child less than 5 years of age:
Child 5–12 years of age:
0.05 mg/kg IM or IV, max of 2.5 mg
Patient 13 up to 18th birthday:
2.5–5 mg IM or IV
Adult Dose
Pain management:
Administer 0.2 mg/kg IV/IO over 1–2 minutes. Maximum single dose 20 mg.
- Reassess in 5–10 minutes. If pain remains moderate to severe, then administer a second dose of ketamine 0.2 mg/kg IV/IO over 1–2 minutes. Maximum single dose 20 mg.
- If IV unavailable, administer 0.5 mg/kg IN/IM (if delivery device is available; divide administration of the dose equally between the nares to a maximum of 1 mL per nare).
- Reassess in 15 minutes. If pain remains moderate to severe, then administer a second dose of ketamine 0.5 mg/kg IN/IM.
Excited Delirium Syndrome:
IV dosing: Administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Max. single IV/IO dose 100 mg.
- If severe agitation persists, administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Max. single IV/IO dose 100 mg. Max. total IV/IO dose 200 mg.
- If agitation persists after second dose of IV/IO ketamine, consider midazolam 2.5 mg IV/IO.
- IM dosing:
4 mg/kg IM. Max. total IM dose 400 mg.
- If severe agitation persists after IM ketamine dose, administer midazolam 5 mg IM.,/i>
- Additional dose of 4 mg/kg IM ketamine for persistent agitation
requires medical consultation.
Severe agitation
Medical consultation is required for the first dose of ketamine for severe agitation in all patients, unless there is immediate or imminent danger to the patient or EMS. Additional doses of ketamine always require medical consultation for all patients.
- IV dosing: Administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Maximum single IV/IO dose 100 mg.
- If severe agitation persists, administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Maximum single IV/IO dose 100 mg. Maximum total IV/IO dose 200 mg.
- IM dosing:
4 mg/kg IM. Maximum total IM dose 400 mg.
- Additional dose of 4 mg/kg IM ketamine for persistent agitation requires medical consultation.
Ventilatory difficulty secondary to bucking or combativeness in intubated patients
Ketamine may be preferred for patients who have hypotension or possible hypovolemia, or if ventilatory difficulty is thought to be the result of pain response.
- Dose: Administer 2 mg/kg IVP/IO over 60 seconds.
- May repeat 2 additional doses of 1 mg/kg for IVP/IO every 10–15 minutes to a total of 3 doses as needed.
- Additional doses require medical consultation.
CPR-induced awareness
Administer ketamine 1 mg/kg IV/IO.
- Repeat doses with medical consultation.
Pediatric Dose
Pain Management:
Administer 0.2 mg/kg IV/IO over 1–2 minutes. Max. single dose 20 mg.
- Reassess in 5-10 minutes. If pain remains moderate to severe, then administer a second dose of ketamine 0.2 mg/kg IV/IO over 1–2 minutes. Max. single dose 20 mg.
- If IV unavailable, administer 0.5 mg/kg IN/IM (if delivery device is available, divide administration of the dose equally between the nares to a Max. of 1 mL per nare).
- Reassess in 15 minutes. If pain remains moderate to severe, then administer a second dose of ketamine 0.5 mg/kg IN/IM.
Excited Delirium Syndrone:
IV dosing: For children 13 to 18 years of age, administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Max. single IV/IO dose 100 mg. Max. total IV/IO dose 200 mg. Patients who have not yet reached their 13th birthday
require medical consult:
Administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Max. single IV dose 100 mg. Max. total IV/IO dose 200 mg.
- If severe agitation persists, administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Max. single IV dose 100 mg.
- If agitation persists after second dose of IV ketamine, consider midazolam 0.1 mg/kg in 2.5 mg increments SLOW IVP/IO over 1–2 minutes. Max. single dose of midazolam 2.5 mg.
IM dosing:
Patients aged 13 to 18 years, administer 4 mg/kg IM. Max. IM dose 400 mg.
- Patients who have not yet reached their 13th birthday
require medical consult:
Administer 4 mg/kg IM. Max. IM dose 400 mg.
- If severe agitation persists, administer midazolam 2.5 mg IM.
- Additional dose of 4 mg/kg IM ketamine for persistent agitation
requires medical consultation.
Severe agitation
Medical consultation is required for the first dose of ketamine for severe agitation in all patients, unless there is immediate or imminent danger to the patient or EMS. Additional doses of ketamine always require medical consultation for all patients.
- For patients who have not yet reached their 18th birthday, IV dosing: Administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Maximum single IV/IO dose 100 mg.
- If severe agitation persists, administer 1 mg/kg IV/IO. Maximum single IV/IO dose 100 mg.
- IM dosing:
Patients who have not yet reached their 18th birthday, Administer 4 mg/kg IM. Maximum total IM dose 400 mg.
- Additional dose of 4 mg/kg IM ketamine for persistent agitation requires medical consultation.
CPR-induced awareness
- Obtain medical consultation from a Pediatric Base Station.
Adult Dose
Administer single dose of 15 mg IV only. No repeat doses.
If IV is unavailable: Administer single dose of 30 mg IM. No repeat doses.
Pediatric Dose
(1) Newly born to 2 years of age: Contraindicated
(2) Age 2 to patients who have not reached their 18th birthday: Administer 0.5 mg/ kg IV only to a maximum total dose of 15 mg. No repeat doses.
If IV is unavailable: Administer 1 mg/kg IM to a maximum total dose of 30 mg. No repeat doses.
Adult Dose
Maximum dose 2,000 mL without medical consultation
Initiate IV LR fluid therapy (20 mL/kg bolus).
Titrate to a systolic pressure of 100 mmHg.
Pediatric Dose
Maximum dose 2,000 mL without medical consultation
If age-related vital signs and patient’s condition indicate hypoperfusion, administer initial fluid bolus of 20 mL/kg LR IV/IO. Fluid boluses for neonates and volume-sensitive children are 10 mL/kg.
If patient’s condition does not improve, administer the second uid bolus of 20 mL/kg LR IV/IO.
Third and subsequent uid boluses at 20 mL/kg LR IV/IO
Adult Dose
Adult/Adolescent with an IO infusion:
To prevent or treat pain during an IO infusion in patients greater than or equal to 13 years of age, administer 20–40 mg (1–2 mL) of 2% (preservative free) lidocaine IO.
IO infusion in patients less than 13 years of age:
To prevent or treat pain during an IO infusion for patients under 13 years of age, consult a Pediatric Base Station.
Nasal Pharyngeal Anesthesia (age 13 years and greater) (NEW ’17)
Draw up 4 mL of lidocaine 4% (40 mg/mL) and using mucosal atomization device, administer 2 mL per nare. The patient IV, gel, and intranasal dosing should not exceed 3 mg/kg.
Pediatric Dose
See Adult Dose.
Adult Dose
Seizure activity associated with pregnancy: 4 grams IV/IO over 10 minutes (mixed in 50–100 mL of approved diluent)
Refractory VT/VF: 1–2 grams IV/IO over 2 minutes
Moderate to severe asthma/bronchospasm exacerbation: 1–2 grams IV/IO over 10–20 minutes (mixed in 50–100 mL of approved diluent)
Torsades de pointes: 1–2 grams IV/IO over 2 minutes
Pediatric Dose (under 18 years old)
Seizure activity associated with pregnancy: 4 grams IV/IO over 10 minutes (mixed in 50–100 mL of approved diluent)
Moderate to severe asthma/bronchospasm exacerbation: consider magnesium sulfate 50 mg/kg IV/IO (mixed in 50 - 100 mL of approved diluent) to max of 2 grams given over 10–20 minutes
Torsades de pointes: 25 mg/kg to a max of 2 grams IV/IO over 2 minutes
(paramedic and CRT-(I) may perform without consult for patients with active seizures.)
All indications except for Bucking Endotracheal Intubated patient, Chemical Restraint, and Excited Delirium Syndrome (NEW ’17)
Adult Dose
0.1 mg/kg in 2 mg increments SLOW IVP over 1–2 minutes per increment with maximum single dose 5 mg.
If IV unavailable, 5 mg IN/IM may be administered. IN administration max 1 mL per nare
Additional doses up to a maximum total dose 10 mg require medical consultation for all providers. For seizures lasting greater than 10 minutes (status), consider IO administration of midazolam.
If suspected severe nerve agent exposure, providers may administer midazolam 5 mg IM without medical consultation.
Chemical Restraint
Patient 15–69 years: midazolam 5 mg IM/IV
Patient greater than 69 years: midazolam 2.5 mg IM/IV Repeat doses may be given with medical direction
Bucking Endotracheal Intubated patient (NEW ’17)
Administer 0.05 mg/kg SLOW IVP over 1–2 minutes, while maintaining systolic BP greater than 90 mmHg. STOP ONCE BUCKING HAS RESOLVED AND VENTILATION IS RELAXED. Maximum single dose is 5 mg.
Additional doses require medical consultation.
Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS)
Administer midazolam in 2 mg increments (SLOW IV/IO push over 1–2 minutes).
May be repeated twice to a maximum total IV dose of 6 mg prior to consult.
Reduce by 50% for patients 69 years or older.
If IV/IO unavailable or unsafe to obtain, administer 2 mg increments IN (1 mL per nare)
If IV/IO/IN administration routes are not possible, administer 5 mg IM.
Multiple doses may be required to achieve therapeutic effect.
Additional doses require medical consultation.
Pediatric Dose
0.1 mg/kg in 2 mg increments. SLOW IVP over 1–2 minutes per increment to a maximum single dose of 5 mg.
If IV unavailable, 0.2 mg/kg IN/IM IN administration max 1 mL per nare Maximum total dose 5 mg
Additional doses up to a maximum total dose 5 mg require medical consultation for all providers.
For life-threatening conditions, consider IO administration of midazolam.
If suspected severe nerve agent exposure, providers may administer midazolam as above without medical consultation.
Chemical Restraint
Not indicated
Bucking Endotracheal Intubated patient (NEW ’17)
Administer 0.05 mg/kg SLOW IVP over 1–2 minutes, while maintaining systolic BP greater than 60 in neonates, 70 in infants, [70 + (2 x years) = systolic BP] for patients greater than 1 year of age. Maximum total dose 5 mg.
Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS)
Administer midazolam 0.1 mg/kg in 2 mg increments (SLOW IV/IO push over 1–2 minutes) with a maximal single dose of 2 mg.
If IV/IO unavailable or unsafe to obtain, administer 2 mg increments IN (1 ml per nare)
If IV/IO/IN administration routes are not possible, administer 2 mg IM.
Multiple doses may be required to achieve therapeutic effect with a maximum total dose of 5 mg. Additional doses require medical consultation via a medical consult center.
Adult Dose
Administer 0.1 mg/kg to a maximum initial dose of 20 mg.
Reassess in 5–10 minutes. If pain remains moderate to severe, then administer a second dose of morphine 0.05 mg/kg to a maximum additional dose of 10 mg.
Obtain on-line medical direction for additional doses, if required.
Pediatric Dose
Administer 0.1 mg/kg to a maximum initial dose of 20 mg.
Reassess in 5–10 minutes. If pain remains moderate to severe, then administer a second dose of morphine 0.05 mg/kg to a maximum additional dose of 10 mg.
Obtain on-line medical direction for additional doses, if required.
Adult Dose
Administer 0.4–2 mg IVP/IO (titrated)/IM/IN (if delivery device is available, divide administration of the dose equally between the nares to a maximum of 1 mL per nare); repeat as necessary to maintain respiratory activity.
Pediatric Dose
Administer 0.1 mg/kg IVP/IO (titrated)IM/IN (if delivery device is available, divide administration of the dose equally between the nares to a maximum of 1 mL per nare), up to maximum initial dose of 2 mg; may be repeated as necessary to maintain respiratory activity. ET dose: 0.2–0.25 mg/kg
Adult Dose
Chest pain If patient has a prescription or previous history of nitroglycerin use, administer nitroglycerin: 0.4 mg SL (may repeat dose 2 times at 3–5 minute intervals) May be repeated if symptoms persist, BP is greater than 90 mmHg, and pulse is greater than 60 bpm, to a maximum dose of 1.2 mg
If patient does not have a prescription or previous history of nitroglycerin use, establish IV prior to the administration of nitroglycerin, then adminis- ter nitroglycerin as above.
Additional doses may be administered with medical consultation.
Pulmonary Edema/Congestive Heart Failure
Low dose - Administer 0.4 mg SL at 3–5 minute intervals to a maximum dose of 1.2 mg.
High dose - (until CPAP is applied or if CPAP is not tolerated)
Administer 1 dose of 0.4 mg SL and apply 1 inch of NTG paste.
Administer 1 dose of 0.8 mg SL.
Continue 0.8 mg NTG dosing to achieve a 20% reduction in systolic blood pressure.
Pediatric Dose
Requires medical consultation from Pediatric Base Station.
Adult Dose
1 inch of the NTG paste is applied. Measuring applicators are supplied.
Pediatric Dose
Requires medical consultation from Pediatric Base Station.
Adult Dose
8 mg SLOW IV over 2–5 minutes OR 4-8 mg IM OR 8 mg orally disintegrating tablet (ODT)
May repeat once without medical consultation.
For third repeat dose to a patient with maximum total dose of 24 mg.
Pediatric Dose
Patients 28 days to 12 years old: 0.1 mg/kg SLOW IV over 2–5 minutes
Patients who are 13 to 18 years old: 8 mg ODT OR 8 mg SLOW IV over 2–5 minutes
If no IV: 0.1 mg/kg IM (with max single dose of 8 mg); May repeat once without medical consultation.
For third repeat dose to a patient with maximum total dose of 0.3 mg/kg or 24 mg, whichever is lower.
Adult Dose
Administer 12–15 lpm via NRB mask or 2–6 lpm via nasal cannula, as needed. CO exposure: Administer 100% oxygen via NRB mask. Maintain SpO2 at 100%
Pediatric Dose
Administer 12–15 lpm via NRB mask or 2-6 lpm via nasal cannula, as needed. CO exposure: Administer 100% oxygen via NRB mask. Maintain SpO2 at 100%
Adult Dose
Should only be given after airway has been secured and ventilations achieved
Administer 1 mEq/kg IVP bolus initially with 0.5 mEq/kg at 10-minute intervals.
(Reserve for patients with suspected CRUSH SYNDROME or patients with functional kidneys by history.)
Consider sodium bicarbonate 50 mEq SLOW over 5 minutes and then initiate drip of sodium bicarbonate 100 mEq in 1,000 mL LR to run over 30–60 minutes.
IV drip for diuresis prior to receiving IV contrast dye: Continue the sodium bicarbonate drip at the rate ordered by the sending physician. Document the base solution and the amount of sodium bicarbon- ate that was added to the solution and the total volume infused.
Do not administer IVP medications through the same IV line as the bicarbonate drip unless compatibility has been established. Flush the line well before and after giving any IVP medication.
Pediatric Dose
Should only be given after airway has been secured and ventilations achieved
Administer 1 mEq/kg IVP/IO; for patients less than 1 year of age, must be diluted (1:1) with LR.
(Reserve for patients with suspected CRUSH SYNDROME or patients with functional kidneys by history.)
Consider sodium bicarbonate 1 mEq/kg IV over 5 minutes. For patients less than 1 year of age, must be diluted 1:1 with LR.
IV drip for diuresis prior to receiving IV contrast dye: Continue the sodium bicarbonate drip at the rate ordered by the sending physician. Document the base solution and the amount of sodium bicarbon- ate that was added to the solution and the total volume infused.
Do not administer IVP medications through the same IV line as the bicarbon- ate drip unless compatibility has been established. Flush the line well before and after giving any IVP medication.
Adult/Pediatric Dose
For patients 15 years of age and older: Administer 1 gram in 100 mL approved diluent (normal saline/Lactated Ringer’s/D5W) IV/IO over 10 minutes
Adult Dose
Patients 12 years of age and older:
Administer 0.25 mg IM. May repeat one time after 15 minutes if there is not adequate improvement. Maximum total dose 0.5 mg IM.
Pediatric Dose
Patients less than 12 years of age: Not indicated
Adult Dose
2.5–10 mg slow IV over 2 minutes;
if response is not adequate, repeat in 15 minutes with a dosage of 2.5–10 mg slow IV over 2 minutes with medical consultation.
Pediatric Dose
Contraindicated for patients less than 18 years of age.
-- Pilot Protocol --
Adult / Pediatric Dose
Evidence of significant physiologic compromise: Age-defined hypotension* PLUS at least one of the following:
• Age-defined tachycardia**
• ETCO2 less than 25
• Positive eFAST exam (if available)
• Lactate greater than 4 (if available)
• Capillary reperfusion greater than 3 sec
• Altered sensorium thought not secondary to intoxication or head trauma
• Witnessed PEA cardiac arrest less than 5 min duration
Pilot Protocol: Low Titer O+ Whole Blood (LTO+ WB) Transfusion 14.6
*Age-Defined Hypotension **Age-Defined Tachycardia
Ages less than 10 Yrs: systolic BP less than [70 + 2 x years)]
Age 1 year: greater than 190
Ages 10-65: systolic BP less than 90 Ages 2-4 yrs: greater than 140
Ages greater than 65: systolic BP less than 100 Ages 5-12 yrs: greater than 140
Any age: absent radial pulses Ages greater than 12 years: 120
On-line medical direction required for patients under 1 year of age.
Pediatric Dose
On-line medical direction required for patients under 1 year of age.
a) While IV nitroglycerin may be started by paramedics without medical direction, online medical consultation must be obtained for any patient treated using this protocol at the earliest possible opportunity.
b) IV Bolus
(1) Use a 25mg/250ml vial (100 mcg/mL), OR a high dose vial which has been diluted to 100 mcg/mL in D5W or normal saline
(2) Administer 400 mcg
(.8 ml [25mg/250ml])
SLOW IV every 5 minutes, titrated to achieve a 20% reduction in SBP
(3) Medical consultation required for further administration beyond 2 separate dosages of IV bolus nitroglycerin
c) IV Infusion pump
(1) Only for use in EMSOPs approved for IV infusion pump OSP
(2) Start at 40 mcg/min, increase rate by 5 mcg/min every 5 minutes, to achieve a 20% reduction in SBP; maximum rate of 80 mcg/min.
(3) If SBP decreases by more than 20%, reduce infusion rate by 5 mcg/min every 5 minutes until goal SBP is attained.
Pediatric Dose
Contraindicated for patients less than 18 years of age
Region V (Hospitals)
Germantown Emergency Center (Adventist)
Holy Cross Germantown Hospital
Holy Cross Hospital
Laurel Medical Center (UMCRH)
Montgomery Medical Center (MedStar)
Shady Grove Medical Center (Adventist)
Suburban Hospital (JHM)
White Oak Medical Center (Adventist)
Children's National Medical Center, DC
Sibley Memorial Hospital (JHM), DC
Washington Hospital Center (MedStar), DC
Local Area Hospitals (tap to call)
-- EMRC Phone Patch --
Baltimore Shock Trauma
Bethesda Navel
Children's Hosp. (DC)
Frederick Memorial
George Washington
Georgetown Hospital
Germantown Emerg. Ctr.
Holy Cross Germantown
Holy Cross Hospital
Howard Co. General
Laurel Regional
Medstar Burn/Trauma
Medstar Mont. Med. Ctr.
PG General
Shady Grove Adv.
Suburban Hospital
Union Memorial
Wash. Hospital Center
White Oak Medical Center
Wilmer Eye Trauma
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